Iliso School Gardens

April 11, 2024

Sowing Seeds of Compassion: Iliso Care Society's Gardening Project Bears Fruit in Cape Town

Strong, healthy communities need healthy, nutritious vegetables.

Iliso Food Garden is a testament to the power of soil, seeds, and dedicated hands. Tucked away in a local school, this initiative not only cultivates the earth but also fosters a deep love and respect for it. Here, amidst the rows of green, volunteers come together, their hearts united in a common purpose of sowing the seeds of change.

Volunteers grow vegetables for the feeding program, which satiates hungry stomachs while teaching valuable skills that could be translated into a future career. Our goal is for these farmers to begin their own self-sufficient, profitable gardens to continue to feed our community.

Educational Impact

But the Iliso Food Garden is more than just a source of food. It's a classroom without walls, where lessons are learned with hands in the dirt and hearts open to possibility. From planting to pruning, they glean insights that transcend the garden walls, empowering them to embark on their journey toward self-sufficiency.

Pocket Gardening: Teaching Lifelong Skills

Pocket gardening, also known as cottage gardening, when practiced in small spaces, has become a popular program. Through this initiative, the participants have been taught the fundamentals of gardening, including different types of soil, seeds, and how to care for plants. 

The pocket gardening program not only benefits the children directly involved but also has the potential to positively impact their families. As the children nurture their gardens at home, they may inspire their family members to become more engaged in gardening and enjoy the benefits of fresh produce and a connection to nature.

This hands-on experience has been invaluable for the children, providing them with practical skills and knowledge that they will carry with them throughout their lives. We plan to extend this valuable skill to other daycare centers, further spreading the joy and benefits of gardening to more children and families in the community.

Barbra, the Principal of Encotsheni Primary School.

"The Iliso Food Garden is not only alleviating poverty in our community, it also gives skills and knowledge to the community individuals and learners on how to work the soil and enjoy a healthy lifestyle."

Armed with newfound knowledge and boundless determination, these individuals are poised to transform not only their own lives but also the fabric of their communities. For in the humble act of gardening lies the seeds of change – the potential to cultivate sustenance, opportunity, and prosperity.

Make a Difference.
The future is in our hands and it is up to us to be the change we want to see in the world. Today is the day.
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