Combatting HIV/AIDS

February 21, 2019

Iliso Care Society and PEPFAR Join Forces Against HIV/AIDS (2021-22)

In the ongoing battle against HIV/AIDS in South Africa, every partnership and initiative counts. For the Iliso Care Society, their collaboration with the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) marks a significant milestone in their mission to provide essential services to vulnerable populations.

Since its inception, PEPFAR has been a driving force in altering the trajectory of the global HIV/AIDS epidemic, saving lives, improving livelihoods, and preventing countless infections worldwide. Now, this impactful partnership extends its reach into the heart of communities in South Africa, offering a ray of hope to those affected by the disease.

At the forefront of this joint effort are ten remarkable women, appointed as home-based caregivers by the Iliso Care Society. These compassionate individuals are the backbone of the organisation's HIV prevention and treatment services, reaching out to clinics, offering adherence support, and educating communities on the importance of staying safe and healthy in the face of HIV/AIDS.

A Lifeline of Care

For the home-based caregivers, their work extends beyond the walls of clinics and hospitals, reaching into the homes and hearts of individuals and families grappling with the impact of the disease. With compassion and dedication, these caregivers offer not only medical support but also companionship, advocacy, and a listening ear. 

They become trusted allies, walking alongside their clients on their journey towards health and healing. Through their tireless efforts, home-based caregivers not only improve the physical well-being of those they serve but also nurture a sense of dignity, resilience, and hope in the face of adversity.

Matsalo took part in this programme as a home-based carer.

"I learnt as home-based caregivers we are very much appreciative to people who do good to us. There are people who do not see the need to intervene when others [are] faced with social ills, because they are okay and they have got things under control. The work I do is not easy at all, loving and having passion about it is good, but I also need an emotional and mental check-up all the time so that I can be strong [while] carrying out good work." said Matsalo. She goes on to say that it can often be heart-wrenching to see people suffering as a result of discrimination and reject.

Empowerment Through Partnership 

But the impact of this program goes beyond healthcare – it's about empowerment. By becoming home-based caregivers, these women have been given more than just a job; they've been given a lifeline. Through their work, they not only earn an income to support themselves and their families but also find a sense of purpose and fulfilment in making a tangible difference in the lives of others.

Alongside the home-based caregivers stand lay counsellors, offering crucial counselling services to beneficiaries referred by the caregivers. Together, they form a network of support and compassion, ensuring that those affected by HIV/AIDS receive not only medical treatment but also emotional and psychological care.

In the fight against HIV/AIDS, partnerships like the one between Iliso Care Society and PEPFAR are invaluable. Together, they are not only saving lives but also empowering individuals and communities to thrive in the face of one of the greatest challenges of our time.

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